Sunday, February 4, 2018

Vívelo/ Live it descargar PDF Jairek Robbins

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Throughout the pages of this exciting book, you will discover a process that will allow you to walk along the path towards your biggest dreams and aspirations. With the help of Jairek Robbins, one of the most recognized coaches, you will learn about the most powerful tools to focus on areas that make all the difference such as your health, family, personal relationships, and spiritual development. Life becomes a wonderful adventure when you discover that you have the ability to generate a much larger impact on your results than you imagined.
A traves de las paginas de este apasionante libro, descubriras un proceso que paso a paso te permitira recorrer el camino desde donde te encuentras hoy hasta tus mayores suenos y aspiraciones. De la mano de Jairek Robbins, uno de los coach mas reconocidos del panorama internacional descubriras las herramientas mas poderosas para crear enfoque en las areas que marcan toda la diferencia, incluyendo tu salud, familia, relaciones personales, desarrollo profesional y espiritual. Empezaras a tomar el control de tu vida generando una inercia imparable de crecimiento y realizacion personal que te llevara a.
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